Fionn, the Druid

A statue of a person holding a staff

Description automatically generatedThe Druid


This druid is 100% naturalist and a monist. The cosmos, as he perceives it, emerges as self-assembling, self-upgrading and so evolving quantised output of a set of universal natural constraints.*


Unlike dualist GOD believers, this druid rejects all fantasies of supra natural creation and intervention, such as, for instance, the ancient Israelite and medieval Hindu God myths. Based on the provisional evidence of sensory data inputs (quantum concentrate data not yet available), this druid simply claims:


‘No God but Nature’


The goal of this druid’s lifelong data gathering and analysis (read: contemplation) is to generate an at best understanding of nature’s universal rules set and their driver and which emerge the cognizable natural world.


Thereafter he applies those universal rules/constraints to the best of his limited ability within his limited private world/niche to generate a unique, original and authentic local representation of those rules. He then encourages others to do likewise.


This druid is not in the salvation business. His ‘healing’ job in the everyday world is to refocus the attention of the disoriented (indeed overcultured) upon the universal rules of natural emergence so that they may apply them perfectly and harmoniously and live joyfully. His parting message is: “You’ve got one life in eternity. Don’t mess it up!” **

The DRUID sculpture is made of fibre. It is 18ft 6ins in height. It will be on view at Victor’s Way in Roundwood, Co Wicklow during the summer of 2025.



*   Similar to the Universal Turing Machine, and which, like

  nature, functions as a blind automaton of constraints/rules.

** The Buddha’s final words were: “Be a lamp unto yourself. Strive for your own salvation!”



The Druid Fionn said: