The Druid’s

Dark Knowledge



                                                                                  The navigator

A statue of an owl

Description automatically generatedThe Druid said:



“@1 is safe.”

“Humans are extras.”

“Twice is fiction.”

“Nature isn’t moral.”

 “Lunch isn’t free.”

“Caveat emptor.”

‘The druid masters the obvious.’

NI doesn’t lie. AI does.

“The druid reveals dark knowledge.”

‘I’m a short-lived aggregate of cosmic dust.’

 “You’ve got one life only in eternity.”

“Next is random.”

AI adjusts NI.”

AI is a weapon.’

“Death is pause.”

 “The perfect slave is free.”

‘Supra natural salvation is an AI scam.’

‘Nature is all we can know.’

“Get the finger out.”

‘I’m one end of creation.’

‘Completion is release.’

‘Every 1 is perfect.’

‘Contact makes real.’

‘Everyone has just 1 life in eternity.’

‘Random walk arrives.’

‘The druid reverts to initial state settings.’

‘The supra-natural serves as survival support for infants.’

‘Monism is the druid’s credo.’

Emergents transist.’’

‘The right way is to land.’

‘Other is fiction.’

‘Random in, random out.’

‘I kill to survive.’

‘I’m but a ripple within a quantum condensate.’

‘Apophatic guff.’

“A one off, once off.”

“Life continues forever. I don’t.”

“Nature is a blind assembling procedure.”

“Every 1 a confined quanta ripple.’

“Druid points to nature.”

‘Constraint forces self-assembly.’

The mystic demystifies.’

‘The right way is the untrodden. It becomes the wrong way when you’ve stepped on it.’

‘A life is artifice.’

‘Message is medium.’

‘I AM, my true self.’

‘Asleep, I ain’t.’

‘Pause = Nirvana.’

‘The alone can’t flee.’

‘’I AM’ consciousness is nature’s salvation.’

‘Every I is No.1’

‘Alone 1 fulfils.’

‘AI: from jacket to straitjacket.’

‘Truth hides in plain sight.’

‘Alone has no meaning’

‘I AM, is the Holy Grail.’

‘My God is a useful fiction.’

‘The loser seeks freedom.’

‘Every emergent a deus ex machina.’

‘He seeks freedom within.’

‘Common is true.’

‘In every generation only 1 is born, and he is always the same.’

‘Nature ex machina.’

‘Everyone’s a one life wonder.’

‘Every 1 an excursive iteration.’

‘Touched, I AM.’

‘I’m my best outcome.’

‘Every act is SELF-ish.’

‘Identity is cosmetic.’

‘Every emergent an output of a limited set of constraints.’

‘Spirituality is an adolescent fantasy.’

‘Life is alien.’

‘To BE THIS is the quest.’

‘To fill a niche, you must leave the WAY.’

‘Pain signals failure.’

‘Within AI NI is the forbidden fruit.’

‘Meta-natural can’t be known.’

‘Negative is fiction.’

‘The end is just that.’

‘He lived a king, died a mammal.’

‘Whatever begins, ends.’

‘Culture is the AI feed.’

‘Selfless autonomy.’

‘99% also ran.’