Conviction vs. expectation
The New
Oxford Dictionary defines ‘expectation’ as: a strong belief that something
will happen or will be the case in the future. It defines ‘conviction’
as: a firmly held belief or opinion. Conviction happens in the present. An
expectation, even a strong one, will be realised in the future. Both the
relative (hence uncertain) strength of an expectation and its projection into
the (indeterminate/uncertain) future makes an expectation uncertain.
Uncertain, hence fuzzy data cannot be processed to ending (i.e. to
completeness, hence quantum status) by the brain (i.e. one’s Biological
Navigation System or BIO-Nav). In its attempts to process uncertain
expectation the brain needs to apply continuous processing capacity and which
eventually (if the expectation is not realised, hence completed) acts as a
drain on its computing resources. Hence unfulfilled expectations (better
stilled, the unfulfilled or unachieved (in principle), hence open and running
rather than closed/ended) generate negative because chronic stress. A conviction
(i.e. a firm, wholehearted = total (@100%) belief, faith or trust) is
certain, hence a fact. Because a conviction is certain it is processed by the
brain in its own internal reality (and which is virtual, i.e. like a movie)
as an actual fact. A fact installed in one’s BIO-Nav (to wit, in the mental
map that decides the probable next best step to a desired outcome) changes one’s
Bio-Nav’s operation. The more a
particular expectation (i.e. ‘alternate’ for the brain, ‘future’ for the self
that generates imaginative alternate outcomes over time) is installed (i.e.
as placebo or nocebo) with absolute conviction, hence the more certain (hence
complete) it becomes, the more effective it is (going onward). Conviction
(i.e. the belief that something is true) is created in the Bio-Nav by
narrowing down its active problem solving data range to a selected datum.
That means that conviction (i.e. belief) is generated by means of
concentration (so the Abbé Faria). In short, when I concentrate on ‘one’ only
(and any ‘one’ that I select or is selected for me will do, including ‘God’),
that ‘one’ has to be true since relativity, i.e. other ones, have been
excluded. Each brain state indicates a wakefulness (hence response) state.
The narrower (i.e. more concentrated) the brain state is the less awake and
therefore more asleep (i.e. in coma, Greek: hypnos) it is. |