The Druid’s Job



The druid’s1 job is to remind humans of what they naturally know but have forgotten or been induced, to forget for the benefit of others


So, he states the obvious:


“The quick get to eat and mate,

And the slow get eaten!”


“The best live better!”


“Achievement is salvation!”2,3



In short, the druid focusses attention on (non-local) natural intelligence (i.e. NI) and natural action.


By so doing he helps the (or a random) individual protect her/himself from the downside effects4 of (local) over-culturing by artificial intelligence (i.e. AI).5









1.     For ‘druid’ (i.e. as mythological member of the pre-modern Celtic intelligentsia, somewhat like the ancient Indian Brahmins) substitute: natural life coach. Most modern life coaches entrain survival within a cultural, hence artificial intelligence, i.e., AI, context but also provide physical and mental exercise routines.

2.     Whereby the formal content of the achieved is incidental, because conditional (so the Buddha). Because that is so, the current batch of 8 billion unique and original humans, to be replaced over the next 80 years by a further batch of 10 billion unique and original humans (plus the approx. 100 billion unique and original humans who have already died) creating their own private niches/worlds can achieve their own salvation on their own terms. Since individuals, meaning identified humans, are discrete, as are their achievements/goals and moreover their salvation payoffs (such as happiness, joy and so on), the smart (i.e. ‘fittest’) individuals train a ubiquitous non-oriented achievement technique which he or she can then apply to any set of conditions, thereby achieving salvation anywhere and at any time.

3.     Salvation, as the ancient Israelites knew, happens in this life, usually to those who perform (the law) supernaturally, indeed ‘at best’, that is to say, naturally at a superb level. Supra-natural salvation, as offered by so many religious cults, is a scam, albeit useful and profitable.

4.     i.e. the loss of independence, for instance, when your G5 mobile or toaster, though turned off, relays your most private data to an American or Chinese profit motivated corporation. The most troubling effect of ubiquitous (and limited, for the benefit of an ‘other’) AI is the eventual loss of personal freedom, as demonstrated during the ‘Dark Ages’ of Christian and Vedic AI. The druid contemplative, aligning himself with nature, lauds ‘personal freedom’ as the highest human good.

5.     It follows that the druid (like Nature/God itself) is fundamentally apolitical and amoral, and which makes him a threat to those accultured with and dependent on AI.



The druid’s perspective